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Bạn đang xem: How to Fall Asleep Anywhere You Want? A Perfect Guide For You! Update 02/2025
You long for the days when you could sleep anywhere without a concern in the world as you lie awake in a foreign environment.
Fortunately, no matter where you are or what type of day you’ve had, there are some life hacks that will help you get the rest you need. After all, sleep is essential for good health, and no one can afford to be without it.
Tips for Sleeping Anywhere
Traveling / Vacation

Friend’s House
In Public
Noisy Location
Strategies to Fall Asleep Faster

Remove Your Worries
Ease Your Muscles
Listen to Your Breathing
16 Ways to Sleep Absolutely Anywhere
There are moments in life when we need to find a unique technique to sleep. Whether it’s in the middle seat of a transcontinental trip, on a friend’s uncomfortable couch, or even in the parking lot of your office, we all need to drift away from time to time. Read on for 16 entirely achievable (and truly useful) methods to help you get excellent zzz’s no matter where you are.
Try a layover lie-down.
Even if it’s only for a few minutes, lying down at the airport can assist the mind believe it’s time to sleep. Take a nap once you’re on the plane.
Stay hydrated.
Drink lots of water to avoid waking up thirsty around 3 a.m., especially if you’ve flown or consumed alcoholic beverages (two major causes of dehydration).
Breathe easy.
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When it comes to travel congestion, high altitudes and allergies are a one-two punch. Open up your nasal breathing airways with prophylactic methods like over-the-counter decongestants or nasal saline. This will aid in the relief of sinus issues, which can keep you awake at night.
Don’t dress to impress.
When flying, there’s no need to look like a bird. A long flight (or bus travel, or train ride) is hardly the time to relax. Dress for bed, because the point is to go to bed, right?
On Vacation
Keep up a routine.
Thank goodness for circadian rhythms! Stick to a regular nighttime routine even if you’re on the road (Jack), and your body will tell you when it’s time to unwind. Stay awake until a normal bedtime (i.e. 11 p.m.) and get up at a reasonable hour to show jet lag who’s boss. Avoid weird napping: If your normal schedule doesn’t include lazing on the beach and having a two-hour nap, you might find it difficult to sleep at night.
Exercise as usual.
Increased or decreased activity levels, as well as the time of day you exercise, might throw off the body’s normal energy levels. Also, try to stick to your regular fitness routine.
Stick with familiar foods.
On vacation, stay away from exotic (spicy or just plain unfamiliar) cuisine. We won’t go into any more detail about heartburn, which is the mildest of the probable gastrointestinal consequences. Tap water in other nations should be avoided at all costs. The bathroom floor is hardly the most comfortable place to lay.
Don’t overeat.
Acid reflux is a result of an extremely full stomach combined with a horizontal stance. Which, obviously, can keep you from getting a good night’s sleep.
Ease up on the booze.
An extra drink or two is a natural part of unwinding on vacation, but don’t let an umbrella-clad beverage keep you from getting a good night’s sleep. Stop drinking a few hours before bedtime to avoid disrupting your natural sleep habits.
Avoid unfamiliar drugs.
On the first day of your once-in-a-lifetime trip, don’t attempt a new sleep aid (or any medication for that matter). Sleep could be disrupted for the whole of that huge European tour due to unanticipated side effects.
At a Friend’s House or a Hotel
Couch crash like a pro.
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BYOPJ if it’s a prearranged slumber party (bring your own pajamas). If you forget, ask your host for a blanket, sleepwear, a pillow, or anything else you’ll need to get some rest. Sleep can be difficult to come by if you’re even somewhat uncomfortable.
Cool it.
According to research, a temperature of 60 to 68 degrees is ideal for sleeping since it reduces our core body temperature and lulls us to sleep. Is there no air conditioning? To get a breath of fresh air, crack a window.
Tune out the noise.
Strange noises, including “soothing” white noise if it isn’t the norm, can drastically disrupt your sleep. To simulate your ideal sleeping environment at home or away, use earplugs or headphones. Alternatively, look at various apps that provide sleep-inducing background noise.
At the Office
Block out the light.
Why won’t that jackass in the cubicle switch off his desk lamp? Make like a Boy Scout and bring an eye mask to block out the light, even if the overhead fluorescents are trying to wake you up.
Get cozy.
If a tight deadline is causing you to lose sleep, take a little nap in the parking lot or in the backseat. Bring a grown-up security blanket (sweater/pillow/blanket) to signal to the body that it’s time for a nap.
Try paradoxical relaxation.
Paradoxical relaxation, like savasana in yoga, focuses on relaxing one body area at a time and can help the body slow down and relax—especially if you’re attempting to squeeze in a fast nap in between other responsibilities.
How can I force myself to sleep?
- Inhale via your left nostril: This breathing technique is used in yoga to calm the mind, and it can also help with hot flashes during menopause. It’s a tried and true approach to decompress and relax in order to fall asleep quickly.
- If your body is refusing to cooperate and sleep is eluding you, try a little reverse psychology. Rather than forcing yourself to sleep, make an effort to stay up.
- Fantasize: Sleep sometimes eludes us because we’re preoccupied with our current anxieties, to-do lists, or things that irritated us during the day. Consider something pleasant instead. Imagine yourself doing something enjoyable at your favorite location. This technique helps you go off to sleep by taking your focus off the present moment.
How can I sleep comfortably on a couch?
How can I nap comfortably on a desk?
We can only image how much more difficult it is to fall asleep in public or in a foreign environment if falling asleep at home is difficult. Hopefully, you found these suggestions for sleeping anywhere helpful. You might be able to implement some of them into your sleeping arrangements at home!
Nguồn: https://www.sleepyheadpillowcase.com
Danh mục: Sleep Advisors