How Long Do Cats Sleep? Cats Sleep Much More Every Day than Humans Update 10/2024

Your cat, if sleeping were an Olympic event, would win the gold medal. Their ability to fall asleep is uncanny. Kitties are always up for a snooze, no matter what time of day or night it is.

When it comes to cats and their naps, there are a number of intriguing facts that you should be aware of, just in case you start to worry about your cat’s unusual behavior.

Cats, like people, have varying sleep requirements. Everything from one’s age to one’s health to one’s disposition is taken into consideration.

If you’ve ever wondered how much sleep cats get and how much they need, then keep reading.

Cats Sleep Much More Every Day than Humans

Sure, you’re used to sleeping for eight hours every night. Cats, on the other hand, get a lot more shut-eye. Adult cats sleep anywhere from 12 to 20 hours a day, depending on the breed. Senior cats are more likely to sleep than their younger counterparts. Kittens that are 8 to 12 weeks old sleep about 20 hours a day, whereas newborn kittens sleep about 24 hours a day. There is no need to worry about your cat spending the day dozing off.

This means that cats are more active at dawn and dusk, unlike humans, who tend to be more active during the day. When you’re feeling active, they’re more inclined to yawn and act sleepy. Some cats, on the other hand, can be taught to go to bed at the same time as you. Make sure to play with your cat before sleep to help her burn off some of her energy. You can then treat her to a nice dinner thereafter. This will help her relax and go off to sleep peacefully.

Your Cat’s Hunting Instincts Lead to Sleeping More

Why do cats spend so much time asleep? It’s part of their instinct to hunt. Predators require a lot of energy, thus wildcats sleep a lot to store it and be ready for action at a moment’s notice. Your cat’s inherent instincts remain intact.

Cats are naturally adapted to hotter climates, which necessitate them to preserve energy and body warmth by napping more frequently. Additionally, they have a tendency to sleep deeply for only five minutes at a time, then drift off into a lighter slumber for periods ranging from 15 to 30 minutes. It’s possible that your cat sleeps in a posture that makes it easier for him to wake up and begin moving in the event of an accident. Because of this, even when it appears that your cat is dozing off, your cat will spring into action with lightning speed. He’s really listening out for strange noises that require his immediate attention.

Cats Sometimes Sleep More When They’re Sick

When a cat is sick, it may be more prone to snoozing and being more lethargic. To identify if your cat is sleeping too much, you’ll need to know how much sleep she regularly requires. If she’s feeling under the weather, she may also be more sluggish, less energetic, and less likely to play around the house. When a cat is sick, it may not eat or drink as much, which can lead to exhaustion. Consult your veterinarian straight away if you suspect your cat is napping excessively.

Consider How Active Your Cat Was While You Were Sleeping

Your cat may be napping all day if he isn’t actually sleeping at night. During the night, some cats may curl up with you and then get up and go on adventures around the house after you’ve fallen asleep.

To make up for lost sleep time at night, your cat must sleep during the day when you are awake. He will appear to be sleeping more frequently than he actually is. Set up a camera in your home to record as you sleep if you have any doubts. When you get out of bed in the morning, check to see if your cat had a restful night’s sleep and is making up for it during the day.

How Much Do Cats Sleep?

Cats spend an average of 15 hours a day sleeping. However, in a 24-hour period, they are capable of sleeping up to 20 hours.

Cats spend the majority of their waking hours sleeping, as they are most active in the evenings and early mornings. Because of their physiology, you may have pondered why.

When it comes to hunting, cats are naturally nocturnal predators, and their brains and bodies are designed to allow them to do so.

When it comes to their wildcat cousins, our domesticated feline friends demonstrate many of the same traits as their wild counterparts. Cats sleep as much as possible so they can pounce on their prey, even if it’s a rubber ball or a toy laced with catnip that they’re stalking.

How Much Sleep Do Cats Really Need?

Cats spend the majority of the day sleeping for a reason. This is because they’re naturally wired to do so, as previously stated.

So, you can reasonably assume that your cat needs the same amount of sleep as your cat is currently getting.

That’s a different story if you’re concerned about her sleeping more or being lethargic when she’s awake. Consult your veterinarian right away if you’re experiencing any of these symptoms.

Cats, on the other hand, have a tendency to sleep at different times of the day and night.

As kittens, they are likely to spend most of their time sleeping. Their “adolescent” stage may bring about an abrupt shift in their sleep patterns, which may result in them running around their residence at all hours of the day (and night).

Depending on the day and the cat, you should expect a reasonably regular pattern (which you can help establish as a habit) of anywhere from 12 to 20 hours.

It’s reasonable to assume that the amount of sleep a senior needs will rise as their mobility diminishes and their metabolism slows.

Is a Cat Always in Deep Sleep?

It’s not as if your cat is constantly asleep, despite what you may believe. There’s a reason it’s referred to as a “catnap.”

The majority of a cat’s sleep is light napping, with barely a quarter of the time spent in deep slumber, according to studies.

Even if they’re getting plenty of sleep, they’re still awake and ready to go when the time comes. Primal instincts are at work here again.

Observe your cat’s eyes and ears to determine whether they’re open just a tad when they sleep. It’s possible for your cat to come to life at any time if its ears are twitching and spinning toward noises.

Do Cats Dream and Snore?

When snoring wakes you up in bed with your significant other and your cat, don’t necessarily blame the other person. There’s a good chance your kitty cat is to blame.

As for cats, snoring occurs when the soft palate is impeded by skin that is too close to the airway. However, there’s no need to be alarmed, as most of the time it’s nothing dangerous.

Persian and Himalayan cats, as well as other short-nosed breeds, are more prone to snoring than other cats.

Cats’ snoring may be accompanied by lucid dreams. Cats, like humans, experience both pleasant and horrible dreams, much like us. Your cat may be dreaming if you see their whiskers twitching or their paws moving like they’re walking.

What Makes a Cat Sleep Less?

Adaptable cats are adept at altering their timetables so that they can get by on less sleep..”

For example, a cat will sleep less than other cats if it is exposed to higher levels of natural or artificial light.

Playing and other forms of stimulation can reduce the amount of time cats spend sleeping if their owners keep them busy.

In addition, if you decide to cut back on the amount of food you feed your cat, be prepared for them to be more active. However, reducing back on their diet will also cause them to have more interrupted sleep, so proceed with caution.

What if My Cat’s Sleeping Habits Change?

If you observe a dramatic shift in your cat’s sleeping patterns, it may be a good idea to bring them in for a checkup with your veterinarian.

They may be suffering from pain, gastrointestinal difficulties, or even depression if they begin sleeping considerably more or sleeping less than previously.

You shouldn’t be alarmed if your cat begins to lie down in fresh litter after you’ve replaced the litter box. To yet, no one knows why cats enjoy the feel of a new litter under their feet so much.

Cats’ sleeping habits may make some people think they’re sluggish, but those who know them best know they’re really specialists at slowing down and relaxing. Try taking a catnap of your own when you’re feeling overwhelmed, pressured, and unable to focus!

How Long Do Cats Sleep?

This indicates that cats don’t sleep for extended periods of time at a time, but rather sleep several times a day. Catnaps last an average of 78 minutes. Cats, on the other hand, often sleep for between 50 and 113 minutes at a time.

The Sleep Cycle for Cats

Cats, like people, have a 24-hour internal clock. The 24-hour sleep-wake cycle is guided by the circadian rhythm, which is the body’s internal biological clock.

Humans have a diurnal sleep cycle, which means that we are more likely to be awake during the day and sleep at night. Cats, on the other hand, are nocturnal. They are most active in the early hours of the morning, just after sunrise, and in the late evening, just before sunset.

Crepuscular sleep is thought to be motivated by a cat’s predatory natures, according to researchers. Cats prey on a wide variety of animals, each of which has a distinct sleeping pattern. To hunt diurnal birds in the morning and nocturnal rodents at dusk, cats are crepuscular creatures.

What Happens While Cats Sleep?

Cats, like people, go through stages of sleep. NREM (non-rapid eye movement) sleep, as well as REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, is common in cats.

A time of awareness and activity is common in cats, according to research, before the feline becomes tired and eventually succumbs to NREM sleep. Your cat may be dozing off in this non-rapid eye movement (NREM) period, but he or she could also be wide awake and alert at any minute. During NREM sleep, the cat may wake up and go back and forth between being awake and drowsy.

Cats eventually move from non-rapid eye movement (NREM) to rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. REM sleep is characterized by rapid eye movement (movement of the eyes behind closed lids). Both horizontally and vertically, the eyes of cats are able to move. REM sleep is something you’ve probably witnessed in your cat. During REM sleep, cats’ muscles lose tone and either jitter or go limp.

Cats may also dream while in REM slumber. Dreams are most common during REM sleep in humans. One theory suggests that REM eye movements are connected to the process of dreaming. Cats have been witnessed by researchers acting out their dreams during REM sleep.

Why Do Cats Sleep So Much?

Cats, like people, require sleep in order to thrive. Consistent sleep recharges the body for the next day in humans. Additionally, sleep aids in memory consolidation and immune system boosting.

There is some speculation that this benefit extends to felines as well. Recharging and conserving energy during non-REM sleep is possible, but it’s also possible that REM sleep helps control emotions and other recovery processes. In reality, some mammals, such as rats, lose weight, are unable to control their body temperature, suffer from weakened immune systems, and eventually, die if they cannot get adequate rest.

Should You Be Concerned About Your Cat’s Sleep?

Sleep patterns in cats can fluctuate for a variety of causes. For example, if your cat has been active for a long length of time, it may need more sleep than normal. Your cat’s sleep patterns may be altered by a move or the arrival of a new family member. Your cat will need more sleep as it gets older.

There are some conditions that can cause atypical sleep or excessive wakefulness patterns. In the event that your pet is ill, you may notice changes in their behavior, such as a shift in their potty habits or signs of disorientation.

Excessive Sleep and Lethargy

  • Kidney Disease: Aside from eating less and drinking more, cats with kidney disease tend to be noisier at night and to sleep more.
  • Deafness: Cats who are deaf or hard of hearing tend to sleep more since noises disturb them less. An increase in the daytime and nighttime vocalizations decreased appetite, and weight loss is also common symptoms.
  • Hypothyroidism: Adult and young cats might suffer from a deficit in thyroid hormone. Lethargy and hair loss are among the most common symptoms.

Restlessness and Decreased Sleep

  • Lack of Stimulation: If your cat is a night owl, they may not get enough stimulation during the day because they are so busy at night. Playing with them on a regular basis may be beneficial. Some people, though, allow their children to exercise outside.
  • Hyperthyroidism: Thyroid hormone levels are abnormally high in cats suffering from hyperthyroidism. Your cat could become very agitated. Even when they are losing weight, they may also experience increased hunger.
  • Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV): Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) has a devastating effect on both domestic and wild cats. They have difficulties falling asleep and are less restful as a result of this condition.

When to Talk to Your Veterinarian

You are the best judge of your cat’s character. In the event that you notice a significant shift in your pet’s health, it’s best to consult with your veterinarian. They can assist you to figure out what’s causing your cat’s behavioral shifts and if they’re normal or need to be investigated further.

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